When you commit to using good, wholesome organic ingredients, it turns out that you can do a lot of good.What goes into each glass of Split Rock organic spirits?
Certified organic food grade corn, wheat and rye. Certified organic raw sugars. Certified organic wild Maine blueberries, organic herbs and aromatics.
Waters pulled up through granite from the purest and cleanest estuary in the Northeast—the Damariscotta River, washed clean twice a day by the tides of the Great Salt Bay. Waters so abundant and so pure the locals still harvest winter ice.
We looked at all this goodness, and we knew we couldn’t let anything go to waste. It wasn’t enough to distill Maine’s first organic grain to glass whiskeys, rums, vodkas and gin. We had gone from farm to table, so we went back to the farm.
Our nutrient-rich mash is feeding the heirloom pigs on High on the Hog farm, fattening them round as whiskey barrels. The organic cows of Rainbow Farm and Straw Farm eat our grains along with their grasses. A local lab found so many minerals and nutrients in our water slurry that it’s sprayed as compost on the rolling fields of organic produce at Dandelion Spring Farm.
Our labels are printed on post consumer waste papers. Our bottles are recycled and re-used. Our bar is made of salvaged wood. Every chance we get to reduce, re-use or recycle, we take.
That’s the spirit of Split Rock.